and welcome to my blog “An Ambience Affair”.

I am so happy to see you here and share this journey of Ambience with you. So firstly my name is Rolake pronounced Ro-La-Ke and I am a lover of food, champagne, cocktails and an excellent ambience in all sense of the word and a bloody good bathroom haha. I will explain more about this later.

Just a little about me I was born and bred in the United Kingdom but presently I live in one of the most fascinating cities in the world - Hong Kong. I have been living in HK for exactly a year last Monday and the best celebration to myself to mark this is to launch this blog:). So thank YOU so much for coming here.

By day I am obsessed with my corporate dresses and by night and/or weekends I love to explore restaurants /bars, read, and listen to music of all genres. I am both an extrovert and an introvert and I love to learn new things and to study - PHD here I come!! (haha maybe when I am 90).



The mission of this blog is to provide you with content on the best venues in my opinion that have the perfect combination of ‘Ambience’ .

The definition of “Ambience” for the purpose of this blog means - everything and anything from the aura, vibe of the place to the standard of food, service, drinks and bathrooms. The reference to “Affair” reflects the physical manifestation of the blog not being tied to a particular place, cuisine or location. We aim to always try new places and across different countries and cities and have ambience affairs all over the world haha so hold tight for the ride.

I aim to commit to provide at least one blog post a month. I am a glass half full kind of person so the places I post here and write about will most likely be places I love and would recommend to my friends.

I will be using the following grid to rate each venue - well to the extent it makes sense:


[F] - Food

[A] - Ambience

[B] - Bathrooms


[D] - Drinks

[A] - Ambience

[B] - Bathrooms

The reason I am rating bathrooms is because I really do love a nice bathroom, don’t you? I believe if you are going to a nice bar or restaurant the bathrooms should match that level of quality - there is no excuse for a bad bathroom especially if the venue is high end. I am always on the look out for a venue with a nice bathroom - for me it just adds to the experience.


How An Ambience Affair was birthed

Ok so let me start by explaining how I came up with the name. I wanted a name which reflected to some extent my objective which is to review ‘ambience’ especially as I am not a food critic, neither am I a sommelier or restaurateur but I sure as hell have an opinion and I love restaurants, wine and going out with my friends and trying new places and I always document my experience via my instragram story or photos.

From my posts I started receiving compliments from friends and they were suggesting I create a blog or instagram to review venues etc and I thought to myself OK I will try this and really that is how simple and easy this blog was birthed.

The name Ambience really captured everything that I wanted to express and it gave me the foundation to start this blog just by its name.